Wednesday, July 11, 2007

SPF What?

Sunscreen vs. Sunblock. Sunscreen soaks in the UV rays so that they don’t reach your actual skin. Sunblock completely blocks the UVA & UVB rays. Sunscreen is not as messy and is usually invisible. Note that if using something that is “invisible” you may miss spots and potentially have streaks in the areas that you missed. This explains the streaks I had the first time! I guess a helping hand is needed, too. If you have sensitive skin, look for products made especially for you. Clothing will not shield your body from the sun; it is comparable to simply applying SPF 5. You will need more than this for a full day of fishing. There are many products today that aren’t as “creamy” and are absorbed as quick as sunscreen; in fact many products are composed of sunscreen and sunblock. To find these look at the list of ingredients, specifically for titanim dioxide or zinc oxide. It may have both. I have translucent skin and don’t make a habit out of spending a full day under the sun with the water amplifying its effect. I wear nothing less than SPF 50 and apply it before I even leave my house and continue to apply throughout the day. There are sunblock sticks that you can buy and they become handy when reapplying to your face. Especially after you’ve been cutting bait and have smelly hands.

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